Infrastructure Construction Management Software
Transportation Technology Made to Last
Kahua enables transportation agencies to manage capital construction projects by centralizing document control, tracking design reviews, ensuring regulatory compliance and optimizing asset handover for infrastructure like roads, bridges and rail systems. From the start of a project, capture asset data to simplify handover and eliminate time spent on the “data hunt” from various vendors, stakeholders and disparate systems.

Transportation Projects Powered by Kahua

How We Help
Kahua for Transportation
Kahua for Transportation manages execution and delivery by tracking the key elements in transportation projects. These applications work together to provide a flow of planning, testing and closing key activities.
Kahua helps agencies and owners in the transportation industry manage and optimize each phase of the capital asset lifecycle to successfully deliver all types of infrastructure projects, from bridges and tunnels to airport construction and more.
Depending on materials, GIS location & external stakeholders, materials testing may require different standards: state and federal highway departments; ASTM; FAA; FHWA; AASHTO; Army Corps of Engineers.
Manage environmental requirements and planning on each project; record all field inspections for alignment, tracking and reporting on compliance requirements.
Transportation projects span multiple locations, managing numerous permits across cities and counties. Manage those varied requirements in one location.
Identify, track and manage deficiencies on a project via punch lists prior to close–out; resolve issues earlier in the project to reduce errors and minimize delays in meeting deadlines.
Navigate the complexities of State Transportation Improvement Programs, whether local or statewide, by balancing limited resources with extensive infrastructure needs.
Utilize pre-determined attributes, such as time periods, transit modes and geographic areas; easily submit these reports to state and federal agencies
Manage all projects and portfolios on state, regional and municipal levels in real-time program and scenario analysis
Generate aggregated report data while collecting that info in a consistent format
Create optimized capital plans right from your project management tool to prioritize and forecast potential and current projects for multiple year capital plans over defined time frames based on standard or custom curves.
Time-phased release schedules to specify exact start dates of planned projects
Select from standard forecast curves or create your own for accurate views of how projects will consume budget over time
Plan project budgets in advance by accurately forecasting capital needs
Manage unlimited fund sources, appropriations, reserves and releases to programs and projects based on defined rules and amounts at the budget, commitment and actuals level.
Streamline the dynamic management of funds across programs and projects; save time and reduce error with automatic calculation of formulas based on rules for funding distribution
Simplify day-to-day project management with logical categorization of funding sources; determine and control exactly how to constrain budgets, commitments and spending
Manage available funding with appropriations and reserves; releases funding sources through all agency construction projects
Simplify the creation and management of budgets for real-time visibility and control to manage commitments through the lifecycle of capital projects.
Leverage owner workflows and a modern, intuitive UI to reduce overhead associated with project budgets and contract management
Streamline project reporting to improve financial decision-making with visibility into historical, real-time and forecasted construction costs
Gain visibility, control project costs and collaborate to effectively manage change and minimize delays, vendor claims and other hidden costs
Kahua’s built-in Analytics is powered by Microsoft PowerBI and gives the ability to access data with powerful dashboards readily available both out-of-the-box and with flexible configurations for business needs.
Analytics are embedded within the platform with pre-built project-oriented dashboards designed with industry best practice guidance
Determine the configuration that works best for your processes knowing that the cloud-hosted solution provides high level security
Visualize your data and gain insights across multiple projects to eliminate risk, reduce time and save money
What Our Infrastructure Customers Say
Improve Transportation Construction Projects
Kahua for Transportation is designed specifically for infrastructure improvement and construction projects. When building bridges, tunnels, highways and roads, Kahua helps keep your team on track to efficiently manage the full scope of your capital projects, including construction documents, funding and spend.